Making An Appointment and Pricing
Please call or text 520-325-9686, or email [email protected]
What do you need to do to prepare for your consult?
Fill out Health Questionnaire
It’s best if you can read one of the basic texts: Gut and Psychology Syndrome, or Breaking the Vicious Cycle.
What happens during your GAPS consult?
- Understand concepts of diet and program
- Deal with food addiction and/or eating disorder
- Clarify your goals
- Clarify greatest needs: Food preparation, meal planning, or which stage of diet to begin with.
- Begin to hone in and clarify your needs.
Consulting with Me
With my program we go through phases in the sessions: the knowledge of the diet, how to meal plan, visits to one’s kitchen and pantry to read labels, how to eat out, and what might be the best approach for you to heal yourself. I can take you through the journey step by step. Transitions are challenging especially with the eating disordered and food addicted.
When you set up your appointment for consultation, we get to the heart of your issue and come up with a plan. Improving nutrition means moving in the right
direction daily with the principles of eating you have chosen. In other words, if you want to embrace the Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet or venture into the raw vegan diet, you simply move in that direction by your choices and behavior each day. Have fun while you are making nutritional transitions!
When you are making changes in nutrition, a coach or teacher is helpful especially in today’s environment. Please see my section below on how to initiate an appointment if you would like to work with me.
GAPS is the foundational diet and protocol that I practice and help others to practice. It has the foundational food principles to heal gut and body.
My nutritional principles are based on REAL FOOD, the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet (GAPS). REAL FOOD
means fresh, whole, and prepared from scratch. We are omnivorous and have food choices from the animal and plant kingdoms. REAL FOOD means natural foods as opposed to processed foods, sugars and seed oils. SCD eliminates complex sugars and introduces broths and ferments. The GAPS has refined the SCD and offers an introductory and full GAPS diet and stages of dairy.

For further information on REAL FOOD please see Robert Lustig MD. He is author of Fat Chance focusing on metabolic syndrome and Hacking of the American Mind delineating effects of dopamine and seratonin and what creates true happiness!
REAL FOOD and Corona Virus
The REAL FOOD Alliance
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)
The GAPS diet is based on the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). SCD was developed by renowned American pediatrician Dr. Sidney Valentine Haas in the first half of the 20th century. Dr. Haas and his colleagues spent years researching the effects of diet on celiac disease and other digestive disorders. The results of this research were published in a comprehensive medical textbook “The Management of Celiac Disease”, written by Dr. Sidney V. Haas and Merrill P. Haas in 1951. The diet, described in the book, was accepted by the medical community all over the world as a cure for celiac disease and Dr. Sidney V. Haas was honored for his pioneer work in the field of pediatrics.
Elaine Gottschall researched the principles of Haas and developed the SCD. Following the success of the SCD with her daughter, Elaine Gottschall helped thousands of people suffering from Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, diverticulitis and various types of chronic diarrhea. The most dramatic and fast recoveries she reported in young children, who apart from digestive problems had serious behavioral abnormalities, such as autism, hyperactivity and night terrors. She devoted years of research into biochemical and biological basis of the diet and published a book, called Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Intestinal Health Through Diet.
Resources for SCD
John Chalmers has a link to his book, Answers from the Gut: Improving Health and Longevity.
Gut and Psychology Syndrome & Gut and Physiology Syndrome
The first GAPS book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, focused on learning disabilities and mental illness. The new book Gut and Physiology Syndrome focuses on the rest of the human body and completes the GAPS concept. Allergies, autoimmune illness, digestive problems, neurological and endocrine problems, asthma, eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, psoriasis and chronic cystitis, arthritis and many other chronic degenerative illnesses are covered. Campbell-McBride believes that the link between physical and mental health, the food and drink that we take, and the condition of our digestive system is absolute. Clinical experience of many holistic doctors supports this position.
I am knowledgeable about Ketogenic, Paleo, Carnivore, and Intermittent Fasting. These programs help to bring down the glucose, fructose and insulin, heal the breach in the gut walls, and restore the good microbes or the microbiome. The microbiome is the complex web of all fungi, bacteria and virus in your gut. They are the foundational diets to restore and regenerate the gut and metabolism.
Metabolic syndrome is a series of markers that indicate degeneration of our metabolism and gut. Markers are high triglycerides, high glucose and insulin, high blood pressure, belly or waist fat, fatty liver and skin diseases. The metabolic syndrome assumes inflammation and breach of the gut wall and is the gateway to diabetes, heart disease, cancer and obesity.
Connection between gut and brain disorders
GAPS™ assumes a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the brain. In 2004, Natasha Campbell–McBride MD created the GAPS program after working with hundreds of children and adults with neurological and psychiatric conditions, such as autistic spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD DADD), schizophrenia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, obsessive–compulsive disorder, bi-polar disorder and other neuro-psychological and psychiatric problems.
The Ketogenic Diet was originally used in the early 1900’s for epilepsy and seizures in children. Now GAPS and Keto are being applied successfully to Alzheimer’s, dementia, and cognitive impairment, and other degenerative conditions due to the processed food diet.
Resources for GAPS