We want your visit to be relaxing, educating and nurturing to your intestinal health. The session is your time to relax and transform. Your nervous system will thank you.
The focus of your session for colon hydrotherapy:
- Colon hydrotherapy through the simple use of water empties the large intestines, purifies the blood and reduces your toxic load of microbes.
- I identify metabolic syndrome and provide support for regenerating metabolism and gut
The gut is the core of your metabolism.
The main actions of colon hydrotherapy are:
- Hydration
- Activation
- Elimination
- Relaxation
The colon hydrotherapy activates your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) of rest and relaxation. I coach on breath practice using Heart Rate Variability and Coherence techniques.
How I help you!
- Experience from 43 years of practice
- Abdominal massage techniques during the colonic draw from eastern and western techniques.
- Metabolic syndrome education and support
Other services that support a successful colon hydrotherapy session:
- Intestinal nutrition counseling using REAL FOOD concepts
- Detoxification programs
Sheila is a Certified GAPS™ (https://www.gaps.me/) Practitioner and has knowledge of numerous metabolic-healing diets including Ketogenic, Carnivore and Plant-based nutrition.
Many resources are available on this page to allow for your best experience.
Services Pricing
Visa, MasterCard and Discovercard Accepted
One Session | $85 |
Three (3) Sessions | $225 |
Five (5) Sessions | $345 |
Ten (10) Sessions | $555 |
6 Months Concierge | $850 |
12 Months Concierge | $1650 |
Colonic/Coffee Implant | $199 |
Phone Consult Per Minute | $2 |
Massage Therapy 30 Minutes | $40 |
Massage Therapy 60 Minutes | $80 |
Concierge includes colon hydrotherapy, consultation, research and food classes. The concierge is for those working on specific issues.
Package Sessions Expire in Five Months
No Refunds
Making an Appointment
My sessions are by appointment.
A Health Questionnaire is required before your first appointment. You have 2 ways of completing it.
- Arrive at office 20 minutes before your session to complete it.
- Online, print and fill out.
I review the Questionnaire with you before your session.
Email, text or call for an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you!
As you enter the office, the Health Questionnaire is in the foyer.
You may fill it out at the office or download the form and bring it in completed.
Inform Yourself about Your Session
Many of you want to know what a colon hydrotherapy session is like.
I have two introductory digital brochures to answer many of your preliminary questions about the process.
To make your session easier, I have written an article that gives you abundant information on how to prepare for your session.
Knowing this information will make your sessions that much better!
Once again, click on the hot text and you can read over your first and subsequent colonics.
It’s not always the same for everyone.
However it gives you substantial background to guide you after you have received colon hydrotherapy.
Julie Tyler produces 3 videos on Colon Hydrotherapy!
Julie Tyler bio!
“I was originally a health conscious model/actress. I began to see weaknesses in allopathic medicine and conflicts of interests with Big Pharma. I was motivated to create a documentary about colonics and set up Golden Goose Films production company. I interviewed over 170 doctors, nurses, authors, legislators, attorneys, patients and “clients.” I plan to continue work on the documentary web series with another 8 episodes! I live in Portland OR with my husband and enjoying hiking, good food, and travel.”
Disposable Kits & Insertion of Speculum

The insertion of the speculum is the big event that both first time clients and beginning students of colon hydrotherapy all wonder about. The speculum is about 3/4″ in diameter, well lubricated and inserted very gently 2-4″ into the anus by well-trained practitioners. Some states require self-insertion and the therapist guides you in the insertion. In other states, the therapist makes the insertion. In either case, the insertion is done very gently. In some instances, you will be asked to rest on your left side for the insertion. In other instances, you may be asked to bring your knees to your chest, holding your knees lightly with your hands. Breathing deeply and easily into the lower abdomen is a breath we encourage during insertion and during the colonic as it is the basis of relaxation.
After the insertion, the therapist secures the speculum, preventing it from slipping out by having you rest on a tie that is wrapped from the speculum to under your buttocks.
This information is about the close-tube system. The open-basin system operates slightly differently but is still very gentle and simple.

I use FDA approved equipment to perform the Colon Hydrotherapy. The instrument is manufactured by Dotolo Research Corporation and is called the Toxygen Model BSC-UV. It is a closed-tube system with temperature and pressure control. Each person has his or her own set of disposable tubing and speculum that come in a germicidal pack.
Frequency of Sessions
The number of sessions varies from person to person depending on goals, medical and intestinal background, and current lifestyle and intestinal state. I review the Health Questionnaire with you, answer your questions, give you the session and offer my feedback. You choose your course of sessions. Some people feel the colon hydrotherapy is a magic bullet and one session will empty them and heal them forever. Colon hydrotherapy is a therapy. Given that 88% of the public has metabolic syndrome, the therapy like psychological therapy can take some time. That means you are dedicating time in months and years to cleanse and heal your gut. Patience and perseverance are required.
Cancellation Policy
24 Hour Cancellation Is Required for Any Appointment or
You Are Charged for the Full Amount.
Insurance Coverage
The therapy is generally not covered by insurance.
In some cases, a medical prescription covers it.
Health Savings Account cards accepted.
Educational articles are available here for your further information:
Click on About Me.
Member of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Colonoscopy Preparation Using Colon Hydrotherapy
Patients now have the opportunity to use colon hydrotherapy as a preparation for Colonoscopy. The results are more effective and comfortable. The Intestinal Health Institute offers you 2 options to prepare your colon or large intestines for your Colonoscopy.
Two schedules to prepare your bowel for examination:
Schedule One
• Colon Hydrotherapy Session 1 is 2 days prior to exam.
• Colon Hydrotherapy Session 2 is 1 day prior to exam.
• Colon Hydrotherapy Session 3 is the morning or afternoon of the exam.
Schedule Two
• Colon Hydrotherapy Session 1 is 7 days prior to exam
• Colon Hydrotherapy Session 2 is 3 days prior to exam
• Colon Hydrotherapy Session 3 is the afternoon/evening prior to the exam
If you feel you do not have a productive session by the second colonic or within a day before your colonoscopy, you might want to reschedule your colonoscopy. You want to put yourself in the best position to have a successful colonoscopy. The therapist cannot determine whether the colonoscopy will be successful. However, with the therapist, the client uses his/her best judgment as to rescheduling. In the event of rescheduling a colonoscopy appointment, you continue a colonic protocol until you are cleansed.
This colon hydrotherapy approach is the healthiest known way to cleanse the colon prior to a colonoscopy and is now being used in hospitals. Danbury Connecticut Hospital has made it the top choice for colonoscopy preparation.
Colon Hydrotherapy is not intended to replace the relationship with your primary health care providers and my consultation is not intended as medical advice. They are intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from my education, research, experience and community. As a Colon Hydrotherapist, I encourage you to be open to new information on the effectiveness of colon hydrotherapy and the foundational role of diet, exercise, supplementation, stress management and emotional and mental work. I encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with your primary health care providers.
The information and service provided is not used to prescribe, recommend, diagnose or treat a health problem or a disease. It is not a substitute for medical care. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your primary health care providers.